Friday, May 14, 2010

Deserted Island

This week's List of 10 is: If you were stranded on a deserted island, what 10 things would you want to have with you? Some of my favorite shows are "Lost", and "Survivor Man", so I thought this would be a fun one to answer.
  1. A multi-tool (thanks, Les). This tool puts the Swiss Army Knife to shame.
  2. A fire starting kit. Fire provides warmth and light, you can cook on it, and it keeps critters away.
  3. A change of clothing. That way, you can wash one set while still having something to wear.
  4. A pair of Gloves. These can keep you warm and prevent injuries to your hands while working.
  5. A first-aid kit. I know, technically multiple items, but they come in one box :-).
  6. A canteen. Not only holds water, but keeps it clean.
  7. A space blanket. Keeps your body heat in.
  8. Nylon line. Multiple uses: tying things together for shelter, snares to catch food, etc.
  9. A mirror. No, I am not vain, it is for signaling.
  10. A Personal Locator Beacon. These work with satellites anywhere in the world. I don't want to be on that island forever, duh!

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