Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Day in My Life

So here is a typical weekday for me:

4:30 am - Alarm goes off; snooze button.

4:39 am - Alarm goes off; snooze button again.

4:45 am - Cell phone alarm goes off; ok, starting to wake up. Take my shower. Aahh, heaven!

5:00 am - Let the dogs out; 30 seconds later, let them back in; feed the dogs; let them back out again.

5:15 am - Put on scrubs; try to flatten the frizzie mass sticking out from my head; put a little make-up on so I don't look like the walking dead.

5:45 am - Let dogs back in and give them their "cookies". Drive to Hurst Bell train station; ride to Dallas VAMC while talking to my "train friends".

7:10 am - Arrive at Cardiac Rehab; get breakfast; log on to computer and start checking in the 7:30 patients.

7:35 am - Try to look busy in between checking patients in and answering the phones (I know, hard work).

11:00 am - Lunch with one of my best buds, Crystal; watch Funniest Home Videos and have deep, meaningful conversation with Crystal.

12:00 pm - Trying to look busy again; still answering the phones; answer questions for various visitors to Cardiac Rehab.

3:30 pm - Getting ready to leave; potty break, etc.

3:45 pm - Walk down hill to the train station for the ride home; visit with all my "train friends".

5:15 pm - Train pulls in to Hurst Bell Station, yea, we're almost home!

5:30 pm - Arrive home; let the dogs out; raid the fridge, hmmm, what's for dinner? Sit down in front of TV and watch the shows I recorded.

6:00 pm - Dogs are barking, let them back in and give them another cookie. Back to TV.

Sometime between 10:00 and 11:00 pm - Fall asleep on my comfy sofa; wake up and get ready for bed; turn on ocean sounds and fall back to blissful sleep.......

Friday, May 14, 2010

Deserted Island

This week's List of 10 is: If you were stranded on a deserted island, what 10 things would you want to have with you? Some of my favorite shows are "Lost", and "Survivor Man", so I thought this would be a fun one to answer.
  1. A multi-tool (thanks, Les). This tool puts the Swiss Army Knife to shame.
  2. A fire starting kit. Fire provides warmth and light, you can cook on it, and it keeps critters away.
  3. A change of clothing. That way, you can wash one set while still having something to wear.
  4. A pair of Gloves. These can keep you warm and prevent injuries to your hands while working.
  5. A first-aid kit. I know, technically multiple items, but they come in one box :-).
  6. A canteen. Not only holds water, but keeps it clean.
  7. A space blanket. Keeps your body heat in.
  8. Nylon line. Multiple uses: tying things together for shelter, snares to catch food, etc.
  9. A mirror. No, I am not vain, it is for signaling.
  10. A Personal Locator Beacon. These work with satellites anywhere in the world. I don't want to be on that island forever, duh!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


This is what is called an Autobiopoem. It is basically 11 lines that describe a person in a nutshell.

Emotional, Caring, Crafter, Geek
Sister of Dennis and Brandy Jo
Lover of All Things French, Quilting, My Kids
Who Feels Stressed Out at Times
Who Needs My Pink Snuggly Blanket
Who Gives Encouragement and Daily Smiles
Who Fears Spiders and Other Creepy Crawlies
Who Would Like to See My Mom Again
Resident of Bedford

Monday, May 10, 2010



I saw a small bird
Singing to his heart's content
On a red stop sign

Friday, May 7, 2010

Lists of 10

I have decided to try and remember to blog at least once a week using some jounaling prompts I have gleaned from the internet. This first one consists of "Lists of 10". Here Goes!

10 Places I have lived:

  1. San Bernardino, CA

  2. Vancouver, WA

  3. Phoenix, AZ

  4. San Diego, CA

  5. Escondido, CA

  6. Central Point, OR

  7. Newport News, VA

  8. Virginia Beach, VA

  9. Bangor, ME

  10. Bedford, TX

I have actually lived in many other places, too, but thought I would limit it to 10 like it asks.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Lasagna Gardening

I have wanted to start a vegetable garden for many years. The problem has always been that I am kind of lazy. What with the tilling and weeding and planting and weeding and harvesting and weeding... It has always been easier to just buy my veggies at the market. Well, I was reading a magazine I found at work and came across an article about Lasagna Gardening. It says that "this layering system requires no digging, tilling or weeding. No kidding!" Well, of course, I was intrigued. And, being a geek, I had to google it. I found the attached link and it covers it pretty well.

Lasagna gardening has nothing to do with what you are growing in the garden. It refers to the fact that you will be building your garden in layers that resemble making a real lasagna. It requires some time to set it up, but little maintenance after that. It is a way of green gardening, using scraps like grass clippings and chopped up leaves (my trees put out lots of huge leaves that I never rake!). It is organic. You don't use pesticides because the newspaper layers prevent weeds from growing and it promotes worm habitation (natures rototillers). And as the layers break down, you are building lots of rich soil in the process.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Where are you, Springtime?

I am so tired of being cold! This winter seems to be dragging out to the last possible minute. This is Texas, dag gummit! It's supposed to be hot!

Isn't this a cute ladybug? The spots by his head look like a heart

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

100% Girly is one of my favorite scrapbook pages. This was taken during a Mary Kay Glamour Shots type photo shoot. We got all glammed up and added accessories before the photographer shot several poses of us. Lots of fun :)

I just told my friend, Stephie, that I am not big on blogging, that I just don't get it, and yet here I am starting my own blog. Maybe it will help me understand. :)