I have wanted to start a vegetable garden for many years. The problem has always been that I am kind of lazy. What with the tilling and weeding and planting and weeding and harvesting and weeding... It has always been easier to just buy my veggies at the market. Well, I was reading a magazine I found at work and came across an article about Lasagna Gardening. It says that "this layering system requires no digging, tilling or weeding. No kidding!" Well, of course, I was intrigued. And, being a geek, I had to google it. I found the attached link and it covers it pretty well.
Lasagna gardening has nothing to do with what you are growing in the garden. It refers to the fact that you will be building your garden in layers that resemble making a real lasagna. It requires some time to set it up, but little maintenance after that. It is a way of green gardening, using scraps like grass clippings and chopped up leaves (my trees put out lots of huge leaves that I never rake!). It is organic. You don't use pesticides because the newspaper layers prevent weeds from growing and it promotes worm habitation (natures rototillers). And as the layers break down, you are building lots of rich soil in the process.